Friday, February 24, 2012

Hey people!! Haha, sorry...haven't been updating my blog lately, had examinations and a lot of stuffs going on ><, so sorry!!

But yeahhhh man!! I'm back! And today I'll be sharing with you guys a few photos I've taken from the Grand Canyon. It's really awesome @@.

Haha, I hope the photos taken weren't too shabby. :) , it's a really nice place to visit. Grand Canyon. Next time when I'm richer, my honey moon destination will definitely be there...

Monday, February 6, 2012

USA sauce of the day

Hehe, while eating at the pizza hut area, I noticed this quote on the sauce. Awesome righttt!!! @@Y.

This will do for today, ahhhh ahhh assignments, CHIONG AHHH!!


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fruits and vegetables

Okay, there is like a very big difference in culture between USA and Singapore.
Haha! Check out those tidy and neat rows of fruits and vegetables and then go take a walk around Singapore's super markets. You'd notice a huge difference.

Honestly, I'm pretty exhausted. To the point that I'm not really thinking well..but yea! Today I had a very hectic day, plus a lot of drama going on in the events. I'll talk about it again once I get my photos haha!!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

USA, feast of da ice cream!!

Okay, I've always heard that Bens and Jerry & Haagan dazs ice creams sells at a really really cheap price in USA. @@, so the first thing I bought when I went shopping in their market was TADAAAA~!!!

Haha, not gonna do a lot of typing today, pretty tired and school...tomorrow..z.zzz


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A photo from USA everyday

Okay haha, like what the title says, I'll be posting a photo or two taken in USA everyday.

What do ya feel looking at these photos? Haha, lemme know by the new function down there *points downwards*

Photos taken in Grand Canyon.
