Wednesday, December 5, 2012


It's been ages since I last blogged bout anything. Too tired to be bothered. Too tired to do anything to motivate myself. *shrugs*

Anyway, I've realised that I've something against clubbers,cheaters and people who are in open relationships.
There's two parts of me that shares conflicting views.

Part of me believes that everyone is free to choose what they wanna do and they should not be condemned. Another part of me really hates people who goes out for casual 'fun', cheats around and hook people up at clubs. Idk it just feels god damn weird, there's just this pang of hatred that I can't get rid of. It's like ugh, I despise you mother fucker. Just burn in hell or something. (Just angry words to depict how I felt.)

Does that hatred comes from jealousy? Honestly, I'm not too sure either...but..jealousy? From what? Jealous of not being able to live like them? Maybe there's a part of me that just wants to let go of everything and just advance to a world where I'm not bound by my bondage.

I'm trying to escape...trying to. Maybe, just maybe one day..the other me might die off. Then I'd not be able to reason things out and fight any urges....

Maybe...just maybe.
