Monday, November 7, 2011

Fruits and vegetable garden trip 2!

Guess what people! I went down to the Horticulture Park alone today, to do some measurements and taking of more photos. And this time round I've managed to find some good ones!! Here's a few of the good pictures (exclude the last one) LOL xD!

Saw this really adorable and friendly squirrel, it wasn't afraid of me when I took a photo of it, but it took quite some time for me to go near it coz I was kinda afraid that it might run away. It runs very the fast!!!

This photo kinda made me feel emo lol..idk it looks really sweet, I feel kinda lonely -_-..

Rotten starfruit =/...oh wells, it smell kinda good though LOL (I didn't eat it nono!)


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