Sunday, January 1, 2012

Snack time!

Heyyy people! The other day I went to Daiso and guess what!!
*Audience: Whatttt~!!*
I found this snack that I ate in Japan in the food section part of Daiso! It's SHOOOOO awesome!! Haha, so I went ahead and grab a piece of that thing haha! I don't really remember what it is called but it goes really really well with tea. Especially matcha!

I sort of like slice it up so that its easier to eat haha.. (Y)
[Took only like 1/4 of the whole lump...didn't wanna to gain weight from too much sweet snacks LOL @@..]

Ohhh I brewed Rose tea with some errm..Idk this very cute little orangy dried fruit thingy that tastes sort of sweet.. I think they usually use it in herbal soups and stuff haha!

Yesh...I have brown eyes. But it's not as brown as my mum's...
I like my eyes. Haha!


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